Positive Mindset

The Mantra of Positive Mindset

Having a positive mindset is very beneficial. It helps you to recognise success and to see the best in any given situation.

Success is not having the best car, the biggest house or the most money, success is recognising what you have and enjoying life to its fullest, each and every day.

What makes life successful and worthwhile is positive thinking and believing in oneself. If we focus on negative thoughts, negativity will follow. We can mould our lives with positive thinking and know that when life doesn't go the way we initially planned, it is for a reason.

Positive Mindset is something anyone can have at any time in their life. It doesn't matter what your occupation is, you are in control of your own mindset. What we think and believe helps us achieve success in many different things in life.

The most successful people all have one common trait; they see themselves as successful no matter what they do, even if it's something as simple as their toast popping up exactly as they like it.

By seeing ourselves as successful, we begin to act in ways that will produce positive results.

Positive Mindset is everywhere you go. It is just waiting for you to choose it when the moment comes. When times are tough and all seems bleak, there is always something bright if you look hard enough.

But how do we recognise the benefits/positivity of a situation?

That is the big question. If you follow me on Facebook or Instagram you will be familiar with my Mindset Affirmations/quotes on Wednesdays and Affirmation Sunday where I give you mantras or affirmations appropriate for both everyday use, but also for each Feng Shui gua. Some of my favourites include:

But I also have another method. I have a sign from the universe that tells me that whatever I am endeavoring to do will work out. And that sign is a yellow car.

Just that, a simple yellow car.

Whether that is a car on the TV, in a book, a toy car, or a real life car (those are my favourites!) it signals to me that what I am doing is right and will work out - whether that something is big like going to a job interview, or something little and mundane like going to the supermarket to buy milk. It just means that I am doing the right thing and that there will be a benefit to it (hooray to Oat Milk being on offer!)

And while it doesn't mean that I will necessarily get the job, it does mean that I will learn something/gain something by going to the job interview. As it says above - what is for you, won’t pass you. If it’s meant to be, it will be.

In the unforgettable words of Doris Day ♪ ♫ Que sera, sera…♪ ♫

And do you know how I discovered yellow cars were my sign from the universe? I asked!

I was feeling really shabby, and bored, and irritable, and worried about various things and I just thought ‘I wish I had a sign that meant I knew that everything was going to be ok.’ And then I forgot about it.

Until I was driving home from work that evening and found myself on the motorway surrounded by yellow cars. I had one in front of me, one behind me, and one either side of me that was it! POW! I knew that was my sign! I felt a wash of warmth and relief and there it was! And it has been supporting me ever since!

Do you have a sign? What is it and how did you find it? Or how did it find you?

Or if you’d like a sign, just ask! And you can either decide for yourself what you want that sign to be (I highly recommend yellow cars but that’s a personal choice!) or leave it to the universe like I did!

Try it out - say out loud, wherever you are right now ‘Send me a sign’ and then let it go. And then wait. And it will arrive. Maybe not immediately - it may take hours, or days, or weeks, and it may take a while for you to realise that it is your sign - some signs are more subtle than others (although you can also ask for a glaringly obvious sign if you’d prefer).

The universe is very obliging but it does help if you are clear in what help you are asking for!

Give it a try and see how it feels…


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