Feng Shui Remedies: Water

Water - the element of love and flow…

Water is one of the foundation elements of Feng Shui - in fact, it is the Shui in Feng Shui!

Water represents emotion, and flow, and transportation, and love, and progress.

Unlike other remedies, water is implemented both inside and outside the home as required according to the specific energies in your home.

And while a picture can work for external water where absolutely essential (i.e. there is no land outside the home in which to put a water feature) this is less effective inside the home where water is implemented to create balance and to call in love/correct an imbalance.

External Water

In an ideal world, all houses would be built with a mountain behind them to provide support, and a river/lake/pond/ocean in front of them to draw in energy, and to keep it moving.

Obviously this is not always the way things are which is where an external water remedy comes in. This can be in pretty much any form - a pond, a water feature, a water butt, a swimming pool, a water trough - pretty much anything that holds the requisite amount of water. The only stipulation is that the water must be moving at all times. This is fairly simple with an open pond or a water fountain/feature but may require external influences (i.e. a water pump) for other solutions such as a water butt.

Water’s influences, qualities and associations:

Each element has its own essential associations, including colours, shapes, tastes, smells, and body parts, which can be used to enhance its effects.

Water element must always be moving and needs to be implemented in varied quantities depending on the size of your house, and if it is an internal or external remedy.

Internal water features are always a minimum of 1 litre however more is much better, and you should always take into account evaporation (or if you have pets, opportunistic consumption!)

External water features are always in much larger quantities and, like metal, is determined by your house size. The specific amount will be noted on your personal report and again, is a minimum.


As you’d expect, water colours are blues, indigo, dark greys and black. Then there are the in-between colours - turquoise for instance as it can also represent Wood if it is on the greener side, and purple if it is on the pinker side!

Colours to avoid are Wood colours (shades of green ) and Earth colours (shades of brown, beige and mustard-y yellow) as these colour deplete the power of the water.

Due to the abundance of water already in place in bathrooms and wet-rooms, it is recommended to avoid these colours where possible, or to accessorise with earth colours and earth elements.


Water shapes are waves and spirals and curves - shapes produced by water when it moves therefore it is recommended that you use these shapes and colours in areas requiring water in your furniture, your artwork and your living space where possible.

Textures and influences

As you’d imagine, textures associated with water are open weaves and wavy textures.

Influences in Feng Shui

Take care when adding your water remedy, and if things start to feel ‘off’ review the amount of water you have in the area, taking into account any artwork depicting water scenes.

To commission your own personal Feng Shui home report, designed entirely around your home, your life, your family and your situation, follow the link below for my services, or book a 10 minute Zoom or telephone chat.

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