How to draw a floor plan

Having a floor plan is an essential part of your Feng Shui toolkit.

It helps you ascertain where your guas start and end, and it ensures accuracy and efficacy with your remedies. It also allows me to mark up your Bagua map (your map which shows you which area of your home affects which area of your life) and to visualise where your remedies are when we review your plan when you receive it! (That is such an exciting day! I absolutely love reporting day!!)

There are many ways of obtaining a floor plan for your home. Chances are if you’ve bought your house in relatively recent years you will be able to find a copy of it from the Estate Agents listing online, or on a hard copy of your particulars. You may also have a set of architects plans if you have had any work done on your house.

But failing any of those avenues, you may find you need to produce your own. This can be done very simply with a piece of graph paper (you can print graph paper here ) and a pencil and either pace it out using your feet, or decide on a scale and use a tape measure/laser measure. This website gives a great step-by-step guide if you are like me and like specific instructions.

Or if you are more technologically minded, there are a myriad apps and websites that you can either download on your phone or access on a website. (this article gives a great rundown of the best floor planner apps of 2021 and has a lot of great insights!) (website and android app) (website only) (this one has an option for a 3D floor plan which absolutely isn’t necessary for Feng Shui but is pretty fun to play with!)

Use whichever system works best for you, always make sure when you receive your report and marked up floor plan you measure your actual home to ensure your remedies are in the right place!


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