Full Moon Space Clearing

Space clearing is all about ensuring the energy in your home or office is as supportive and nurturing as possible, and Full Moon is a very auspicious time to do it!

A space clearing is a very personal thing and you can make it as complicated or as simple as you like - you can go all out with all the bells and whistles (literally!) or you can do it just with your voice and hands!

You can do it at specific points in the year, or as the seasons change, or whenever you feel the need. I tend to do a space clearing at the full moon, a powerful time of release, and sometimes again at the new moon which is a powerful time of renewal.

The first time I did a space clearing I did it on a whim on a sunny Tuesday afternoon and I just opened all the windows and danced around the house clapping in all the corners, singing and waving my arms around! (The dogs weren’t sure it was very wise at first but once they got into it and joined in, it was a bit of a party!)

And it worked! My whole house felt so much clearer and refreshed, and I hadn’t even realised how dull the energy had become. It was a revelation and I was able to concentrate so much more easily, and I felt so much happier and calmer.

And while my methods these days have a few more instruments (AKA a sage bundle) I sometimes still just open the windows and clap!

My Space Clearing Practice

  • What you will need:

    • White sage bundle or

    • Palo Santo stick or

    • Whistle/bell/chimes/cymbal/saucepan and spoon etc or you can just clap/sing/whistle etc

    • Fan/book/sheet of paper (optional but I find it really helpful for making sure there is movement in the corners)

    • Something to light your Sage bundle or Palo Santo stick

    • Plate/bowl/shell to catch any ash (there really isn’t much to speak of but always worth protecting it anyway!)

    • Any crystals that you may want to incorporate into your practice

  • My method

    • Open all the windows and doors and gather your equipment.

    • Close your eye and take three deep breaths

    • Light your sage bundle/Palo Santo and starting at your front door, or the door you use most often, work your way around the room/house in a clockwise direction

    • Say something along the lines of ‘I give up freely that which is no longer serving me. I release it to create space for that which inspires me.’ Or any other phrase that speaks to you.

    • Repeat this in each room in the house, working clockwise around each room, making sure to get into the corners and behind doors etc… This is where I use my fan.

    • Once you have been around edge of the room, stand in the middle and rotate slowly.

    • Keep your eye on your sage bundle and make a note of areas it either smokes a lot or goes out and spend a bit more time in these areas.

    • Once you have done this in each room, make sure your bundle is extinguished properly (I dip the lit end into a bit of water and leave it outside overnight to be on the safe side.)

    • Breathe and enjoy your refreshed home

Do you have your own ritual or practice? I’m always interested in what other people do, and I’m always looking for new things to incorporate.


New Moon Space Clearing and intention setting


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