Mercury in Retrograde! Eeek or ahhh?

Mercury is in Retrograde until 28 August 2024, and some people are feeling it.

Mercury goes into retrograde 3-4 times a year for about 3 weeks at a time, and when Mercury is in retrograde, the energy shifts and things can feel a bit off. This is because Mercury governs communication, transportation, and technology, and in a time where we are ever more dependent on technology for communication, it can seem like a lot!

But, while traditionally Mercury Retrograde is seen as a negative thing, in fact, it is anything but!

All Retrogrades are about slowing down and reflecting . Mercury Retrograde is a time to take a step back and reassess how we communicate with others. It's also a good time to double and triple check any important contracts or documents before you sign anything.

Mercury Retrograde is also a good time to reflect on your personal relationships. If there are any communication issues that need to be addressed, this is the time to do it! Mercury Retrograde can also be a good time to reconnect with old friends.

So, while Mercury Retrograde may seem like a pain, it's actually a time of reflection and growth. Embrace the Retrograde and use it to your advantage! Slow down, take some time for yourself, and reflect on how you're feeling.

Here are a few tips on how to breeze through:

- Stay grounded. Spend time in nature, connect with your breath, and meditate.

- Be patient. Mercury in Retrograde is a time to slow down and go with the flow.

- Be mindful of your communications. This is a time when miscommunications are more likely to happen. So, take a moment to pause and recheck before hitting send, or signing any documents.

- Meditate. Have a look through YouTube or online for a meditation that appeals to you.

And while there is no doubt Mercury in Retrograde can be a challenging time, it's also a reminder to slow down, be present, and let it all wash over you.

By staying grounded and being mindful, you can ease the effects of Mercury in Retrograde and sail right through it!

What are your thoughts on Mercury Retrograde? Have you felt any shifts? What do you do to ease through it?

Share in the comments below!


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